Why you should have a baby out of the hospital.

Have you ever went to a restaurant and wanted to order a hamburger- only to realize you were at a Mexican Restaurant. That is what it’s like when you try to have a baby in the hospital- in a system that is not set up to support moms through labor and birth the way it was designed to be.

Women have been birthing babies for centuries- birth is the only physiological event that happens in a hospital in which the patient is not actually sick. So how did we get here? Why is there a misconception that you need to be in a hospital to be safe? The research proves that the best and safest place to have a baby is in a space that supports birth- physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Historically- in the early 1900s only the really wealthy were having babies in the hospital- everyone else was birthing at home. As time went on it became a status symbol to be able to “afford” a hospital birth. Women were given twilight sleep and strapped down to beds while they birthed babies high on drugs and came out not remembering much of anything. Breastfeeding was looked down upon because only the rich could afford bottles and mom needed to rest so the baby was taken away from mom for the duration of her hospital stay. This is the history of hospital birth.

Thankfully we have come a long ways in realizing how wrong this is- and much of hospital birth now does support birth in a more physiological process. But the policies in place in a hospital do not actually support birth- they support the machine that is the medical system. I.e. Moms in bed to birth because it’s easier for the doctor, everyone gets an IV because it’s policy- it’s a one size fits all care because it is a mass machine.

Enter the resurgence of homebirth and birth center birth. People have realized to get individualized care you have to work with a practitioner who specializes in this option.

Remember the restaurant scenario- instead of getting to the restaurant and realizing they don’t have what you want; take the time to google the options and find the restaurant that has the menu you are looking for—> I can almost guarantee this will be a birth center or homebirth.

If you need help navigating the options in Erie, CO and the greater area please reach out. We are happy to consult and help you find the best fit possible for your birth experience!


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