Induction- a conversation worth having.

Medical induction is a hot topic in the birth world. There are so many families who find themselves in the position of “needing” an induction. As their doula- one of my jobs is to help them navigate those decisions when the time arises. So first off- what is an induction.

As a friend said to me: “ it sounds like the setting on an oven.” While that is true- a medical induction is forcing the body into labor to have a baby- for some reason- hoepfully medical. How do you know you are facing a medical induction? If you have been told it is now safer for baby to be on the outside world, than the inside- you are being induced.

As with any intervention and risk to labor- the first question I ask is- “Is mom ok, and is baby ok?” If those two questions can be answered with a yes- then it is safe to evaluate other alternatives and think through options.

B.R.A.I.N. is the acronym I use with families and it allows you to go through all the steps need to make an informed decision.

B- Benefits- What are the benefits to this induction?

R- Risks- What are the risks? Have they all been clearly lined out? For instance- did the doctor tell you as a first time mom you are 50% more likely to have a C Section if you are induced.

A- Alternatives- what other options are available. Did they offer or discuss acupuncture, chiropractic, herbs, breast pumps.

I- Intuition- whether you have been a parent before or not- you have a “Momma gut” and I highly encourage families to lean into that. What does your intuition say?

N- Nothing- what happens if I do nothing?

90% of the time I see inductions recommended, it really isn’t a true medical reason for inducing labor. Time is the best medicine for pregnancy. I am sorry if I’m the first to break it to you- but first time moms on average have babies at 41 weeks and 3 days. Babies do not work on a calendar and we have to learn a little patience.

If you are facing an induction- or believe you may have a true medical reason for induction- hiring a doula will be your best asset! You can talk through any and all of these situations as they arise and know that you have all the options on the table, to make an informed decision!


VBAC- Vaginal Birth after Cesearean


3rd Trimester Guide